About The Healing Ray Collective
The Healing Ray is a collective of Divine Beings from across the whole creation, that have come forward at this unprecedented time of enhanced human evolution, offering to share their transformative energy in the form of a highly advanced healing system.
The Healing Ray bring their Divine Intelligence, Wisdom and Insight and Divine Healing Energies into a highly focused and incredibly powerful system, perfectly adapted to the New Human that is awakening in these unprecedented times we are living in.
The 21st Century Human system is capable of immense leaps in energetic, spiritual, vibrational and light acceleration and evolution. This has greatly increased our inner yearning to be ‘more’, which in turn has become a catalyst for an increasing number of people waking up to the possibility of experiencing and manifesting greater levels of health, well-being, peace, love, fulfilment, joy and abundance across all areas of their lives.
It is in response to this intensified inner desire for growth and expansion that the Healing Ray has stepped forward as a Divine Collective and gifted humanity with this highly advanced, transformative healing system to help and support those who are ready.