Energy Healing for Business Enhancement
Addressing the energy of a business, whether the largest of corporations or a home-based business, can have immense and far-reaching benefits as it helps with manifestation, smooth running, teamwork, efficiency, attracting new clientele, overall success and the positivity and productivity of the owner and their employees.
A thriving and successful business is a business that is growing and flourishing in an easy, flowing manner. There is an abundance of creativity which keeps the company evolving and there is a general sense of pro-activity and purpose that can be felt across the whole organisation. If a business is not thriving, its running takes far too much energy and effort, miscommunication and mistrust between employees and management are rife, staff is stressed and feeling drained and the prevalent feeling throughout the company is that of heaviness, chaos and feeling overworked. Addressing these issues with energy healing can completely transform the business into a thriving and successful one.
We are incredibly lucky to be living in a day and age where ancient wisdom and practises are being rediscovered and their value recognised from a scientifically informed understanding of modern age. We can now draw on the practical wisdom of ancient techniques such as Vastu Shastra, Feng Shui and various Energy Healing modalities and create profound changes in businesses that perhaps lacked these principles and knowledge when they were founded or veered away from them during the course of their expansion. Various successful businesses and high profile figures have openly shared that they had used these practises to enhance their business.
How Energy Healing Can Help Your Business
Every living entity is composed entirely of energy (for more information see – How does energy healing work). At the subtler layers, the energy is of a more ethereal nature and at the denser layers this energy manifests as physical form. For example, a human energy system consists of subtler energy layers such as auric fields, heart's electromagnetic field, meridians and chakras, denser energy layers that comprise fascia pathways, the central and the peripheral nervous systems and the densest layers that contain our actual flesh, organs and various physical systems within the body.
So just like a human energy system, a business, from the smallest one to the biggest corporation is also a living entity made of energy at its subtler layers and physical manifestations at its denser layers. From an energetic point of view, the only difference is that the energy system of a business is much larger that an energy system of a person. The subtler levels of a company would be the energy fields of all the workforce and the energy fields of the premises, the mission statement, branding, creativity, relationships between staff, communication, decision making, openness to change and proactivity. The physical manifestation of a company would be the headquarters, offices, staff, stores, stock and services. Also all the various energy systems within a business replicate the system of a human. For example the cardiovascular system and the energetic heart of a company would be the HR department. Operations would be the muscular system and so on. Therefore, just as energy healing can be used to support a person on their return to health, happiness and peace, so it is equally possible to help create a thriving, harmonious and successful business (for more information see – How Energy Healing Works).
When working with companies, the work happens on various levels and into varying depth, based on what the company wishes to attain. Following are general steps of how business energy work can be delivered (obviously each company is unique and the energy work will be tailored to individual requirements).
Step 1
This is the foundational step and further steps build on it. Here the most disruptive and damaging blocks and problems are addressed and cleared. This is what usually brings the greatest and fastest change to a business. Areas worked on in this step are:
- Geopathic stress – harmful earth or man-made lines or energies, electromagnetic pollution, underground water veins, memories and history of the land (for more information see Energy Healing for Home)
- Metaphysical disturbances – such as ghosts and other entities (All suffering businesses have these energies present; it is much more common than one would assume.)
- The emotional charge, mental charge, memories and information from within all the buildings and premises of the company. (Everything that has ever happened within the company has been stored within its walls, affecting the current staff, creating discord, lack of clarity and efficiency. If a company has changed hands or the premises belonged to someone else, there is also the energetic information of the previous owners or previous company stored in the premises, disturbing the current operations.)
- Ill wishes, negative thoughts and intentions (All this is cleared and a protective energy field is created.)
- The qualities of peace and harmony are channelled into the energetic structure of the whole company
- Self-clearing transmissions (They work on their own to keep the premises of the company clear from any emotional charge, mental charge and other energetic debris in the future.)
The above actions create incredible changes in the way people feel and work, in their productivity and the overall flow and ease of the entirety of the business. The above work is usually done once and it is permanent.
Step 2
The aim of this step is to create harmony within and between all departments, branches, divisions and staff in the whole organisation hierarchy. This transforms the company into one that is productive, fluid, efficient and thriving.
- For this step it is advisable for the company to have a mission statement.
- Aligning all departments, divisions and branches with the mission statement and the highest aim of the company.
- Aligning all the staff within each division with the division itself and then with the rest of the organisation.
The above is mainly accomplished by connecting with the energy of each department and specific staff as needed, via an organogram and using special techniques to clear any energetic blockages and channel qualities and energies that might be needed to shift all the involved energies to a more harmonious place. At this point none of the staff are directly engaged except the senior management, directors or owners that have commissioned this work.
Step 3
This step involves working directly with the staff. It can include some or all of the following:
- Teaching staff powerful energetic techniques that are incredibly effective (These techniques that can be used in any situation and in any circumstance, whether before meeting a client or during a meeting. They help to transform stress, anxiety, fear, feeling under pressure or overwhelmed, finding it hard to concentrate, feeling unproductive and lack of motivation into positive feelings such as ease, confidence, determination, focus and positive outlook. And if one is already at peace and focused, these techniques can enhance this state.)
- Personal healing sessions for staff and management (for more information see – One-to-one Healing)
- Team building activities specially designed to create and enhance flow, harmony, efficiency and ease of communication
There are immense benefits in investing in the clearing and healing of a business. Together with increased potential for profit and company growth, there is also the far-reaching benefits to the whole workforce, creating a win-win environment for everyone involved.