How Does Energy Healing Work? - The Science behind Energy Healing
By Johanka Maher and Claude Scicluna
This article is a synthesis of Scientific Literature, Studies and Reports.
We are Made out of Energy
Everything in our universe is made out of atoms. Atoms consist of a nucleus that is circled by electrons moving in different patterns. However, there is a vast space between an atom’s nucleus and its electrons. If a nucleus were the size of a peanut, the electrons' orbit would be as large as a basketball stadium. In reality 99.999999999999% of each atom is empty space. Therefore 99.9999999999% of all ‘matter’ is empty space. Which means that if we took all the empty space away from the atoms that make up our body, the rest of our body could fit into a tiny speck of dust (and the whole of humanity into a sugar cube). However, this empty space is not really empty. It is filled with energy in the form of waves and quantum fields.
We are All Connected
Each of the subatomic particles that make up an atom never stop moving thus creating its own energy field. This is how subatomic particles hold together to create an atom, which also vibrates within its own field. Atoms are considered the building blocks of all 'matter'. Therefore any structure, that is made up of atoms also vibrates within its own energy field. This applies to all structures from the smallest to the largest - from a molecule, to a substance, cell, tissue, organ, human body, tree, forest, mountain, the Earth, our Galaxy and the whole of this Universe.
Despite everything vibrating within a field of its own, all these fields are connected and unified at the quantum level within each atom. Therefore, we and everything around us are energetically connected through this one, incredible quantum field of energy, which contains all the other unique energetic fields within it. Scientists call this the Universal Field or Zero-Point Field. This universal field is what enables a healer to connect, interact and effect change in people [link].
The Human Body is an Energy System
Our bodies produce a multitude of different type of energies, such as thermal, kinetic and chemical energy as well as sound and light (visible light) but also large amounts of electrical energy. Every cell and organ of our bodies literally pulses with electricity. Each organ, for example, produces a different, measurable (in Hz) frequency [link]. This electricity generates magnetic and electromagnetic fields, which scientists call Biofields or Biomagnetic Fields [link] [link]. These fields surround every cell and organ, as well as our entire system and extend far beyond the physical body (some are detectable up to several feet away). The most powerful field is that of the heart – the heart's electromagnetic field is up to 60 times stronger electrically and up to 100 times stronger magnetically than the electromagnetic field of the brain [link] [link]. These electromagnetic fields provide a 'communication system' not only between cells within our body but they also enable us to interact with other living organisms and other magnetic and electromagnetic fields on the planet [link].
Here is an excerpt from a publication of Research Conducted by the HeartMath Institute:
We have found a direct relationship between the heart-rhythm patterns and the spectral information encoded in the frequency spectra of the magnetic field radiated by the heart. Thus, information about a person’s emotional state is encoded in the heart’s magnetic field and is communicated throughout the body and into the external environment.
Evidence now supports the perspective that a subtle yet influential electromagnetic or "energetic" communication system operates just below our conscious level of awareness [link].
Our biofields are not only encoded with information, they have the ability to pass this information on to our to cells, tissue, genes and DNA and modify them [link]. Multiple studies have validated their influence on organisation and self-regulation of our organism [link][link][link].
Many studies have been conducted using magnetometers and SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) to measure the biomagnetic fields emanating from hands of energy healers, both during in-person healing as well as in distance healing. In some cases, the large frequency-pulsing electromagnetic fields emanating from the hands of the healers were thousand times stronger that the biofields of a normal person [link]. Astonishingly, fields emitted from the hands of energy therapists were shown to 'sweep' through a range of frequencies. It has been found that these frequencies provide essential information to cells and tissue and open channels for the flow of information that stimulates the process of repair. This process is also significant for prevention and for restoring normal function after trauma. Dramatic changes in electromagnetic fields were also measured around the subjects receiving distant energy healing and within their own biofields [link][link][link]. Countless studies now provide evidence for the efficacy of energy healing on our biofields [link] [link][link].
However, a growing number of scientific studies are confirming the hypothesis that the human body also emits energy fields of a different nature [link]. These create energetic fields which scientists have no means of measuring yet.
Tangible and Subtle Biofields
Modern science has advanced considerably over the last few decades and scientists are now able to measure some types of energy that is not visible to the human eye. Conventional medicine commonly utilizes these types of energy in its diagnostics (onograms, x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs), electrocardiograms (EKG), electroencephalograms (EEGs), positron emission tomography (PET) scans, etc.).The biofields which are currently measurable are called veritable (tangible) and biofields which scientists are currently not yet able to measure are called putative (subtle) [link].
Scientific discovery and deeper understanding of the nature of health, healing and illness has given rise to a new scientific paradigm – understanding the human body as an interconnected energy system which needs to be treated as a whole [link]. This new understanding of the human body corresponds with the view of many approaches, systems and disciplines, which have existed for thousands of years - Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Tibetan Medicine, Hawaiian Kahuna Tradition, American Indian Practices etc.
Quantum Physics and Energy Healing – How Energy Connection can be Established between a Healer and their Client despite a Great Distance
There's a concept in quantum physics called "quantum entanglement". This principle describes the ability of two separate energy sources to become inextricably linked, which then enables them to interact with each other, even when separated by large distances. This concept has been repeatedly demonstrated in countless laboratory experiments.
Physicist Amit Goswami published an article in a physics journal showing how entanglement can affect people. He had pairs of people meditate together and then separated them into two chambers where they couldn't see or hear one another. When one person had a light strobe by his eye, it caused the firing of a certain frequency in the brain. Remarkably, at the same moment, the other person's brain also fired, even though he did not see the light [link].
Scientific research into entanglement and transmission of information validates the accuracy and reliability of 'extrasensory awareness'. In other words, the healer's ability to receive relevant information about their client and gain an understanding of what part of the client's body and energy system needs healing [link][link][link][link].
The principle of entanglement establishes that spatial distance does not affect the connection which enables energetic and informational interaction between two people. It also explains how healers are able to connect to the person receiving healing, gain insight into their situation/condition and transmit healing energy to them, regardless of how far apart they are in the physical world. In the words of Albert Einstein: “Time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live.”
The Entrainment Principle – how Channelled Energy from a Healer Affects the Energetic Vibration of the Person Receiving Healing
Resonant Entrainment is another quantum physics principle which applies to energy healing. It is a process in which two energy sources that are vibrating at different speeds experience a transference of energy and therefore start vibrating at the same speed. In other words, one vibration 'entrains' another to match its frequency [link].
The “entraining” signal could be internal or external. For example chanting certain mantras results in positive entrainment of certain physiological functions in the body [link]. Examples of external entrainment include the heartbeats of a mother and baby [link] and couples [link] synchronising with one another when they interact closely; human brain frequencies synchronising with Schumann Resonances (the Earth's heartbeat) [link]; breathing, blood pressure and heart rate naturally synchronising with the frequency of music [link]; and the simple tuning fork phenomenon – the vibration of a struck tuning fork will transfer through sound waves to another tuning fork and set it in motion, eventually resulting in both vibrating at the same frequency [link to a video]. Entrainment can be found on emotional levels too, such as when a person walks into a room full of people who are laughing and light-hearted and their mood 'magically' lifts to match theirs – because every thought and emotion has its own vibrational frequency [link].
The principle of entrainment clarifies how the frequency of our biofields, cells, body, thoughts and emotions [link] can change in response to the channelled energy during an energy healing [link]. It also explains the efficacy of the healing power of music and sound and the importance of spending time in nature and in silence [link][link].
The Power of Intention
Intention is a resolve to create a desired reality or outcome. It is a universal creative force capable of energetically imprinting information at the quantum level, thus influencing reality [link][link] and changing the molecular structure of matter [link]. Intention can create a connection (cause an 'entanglement') through the universal field [link]. The practise of intention involves coherence of the heart and mind, which then harmonises with the energetic activity of the body to produce a result on the spiritual, energetic, and material levels of the universe [link]. If the intention is charged with emotion, it interacts with the quantum field even more powerfully as the heart produces electromagnetic energy which is much more powerful than the energy of the brain.
Scientists have been aware of their limited understanding of the power of the mind for a very long time and growing number of studies now show that our mind is capable of feats previously thought impossible. Many scientists believe that we are now only beginning to comprehend just how powerful our mind is.
The concept of 'mind over body' - the incredible power one's mind has over one's own body - and its vital role in well-being has now become accepted by the general public, as most people are familiar with the power of positive mindset, visualisation, hypnotherapy, placebo effect, meditation, thought management etc. The effects of these on one's own body and one's reality has been well researched and documented. However, the research into the power of one's mind influencing physical reality outside of one's body and outside of their own life, ie. using one's mind to positively affect the life of someone else, is breaking new grounds in science.
Growing body of research has validated the ability of the mind to influence physical processes and matter. For example many studies have documented how pure intention can affect the process of random number generators (RNGs) [link]. Perhaps the most well-known research of the power of intention is from the Masaru Emoto Research Institute in Japan – they have studied how intention affects water crystallisation [link]. Increasing number of clinical studies also provide evidence for the power of intention in energy healing [link] [link].
The Compassionate Intention Experiment
One of the most significant clinical studies of the power of intention in distant healing was a double-blind study which investigated the effects of direct intention of compassion on the autonomic nervous system (a part of our nervous system that maintains balance of the body, controls heart rate and respiration and many other vital functions). Skin conductance level (the ability of sweat to conduct electricity – enhanced levels indicates that the autonomic nervous system has been activated) was measured in each member of a couple, both of whom were asked to feel the presence of the other. While the receiving person relaxed in a distant shielded room for 30 minutes, the sending person directed intention toward the receiver during repeated 10-second epochs separated by random intervals.
Thirty-six couples participated in 38 test sessions. In 22 couples, one of the pair was a cancer patient. In 12 of those couples, the healthy person was trained to direct intention toward the patient and asked to practice that intention daily for three months prior to the experiment (trained group). In the other 10 couples, the pairs were tested before the partners were trained (wait group). Fourteen healthy couples received no training (control group).
In research, if there is a less than a 5% probability that something is due to chance, it is regarded as not due to chance [link]. In this experiment, when people used intention to reach their partners who were in a shielded room, every time a subject sent compassionate intention, it created changes in the skin conductance in the person receiving this intention that were very significant compared to the breaks, when these changes would not be present. The probability that these findings were due to chance was 0.009%, well below 5%. This occurred in all three groups. However, the changes were largest and most sustained in the trained group, followed by more moderate effects in the wait group, and still smaller effects in the control group. It has been concluded that directing intention towards a distant person activates their autonomic nervous system and that strong motivation to heal and to be healed, and training on how to cultivate and direct compassionate intention, further enhances this effect [link].
Energy Coherence is Necessary for Health and Well-Being
Our organism is a system of various interconnected energetic sub-systems. Electromagnetic and quantum interactions among these sub-systems happen through the biofields, which regulate biological processes and also enable communication between the body, the emotions and the mind [link]. Energetically coherent system is one that is balanced, orderly and synchronised and therefore capable of efficient transfer of energy (continuous supply and flow of energy is necessary for life) [link]. The state of our overall health (physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual) is determined by the level of coherence in our system. When our system becomes energetically coherent, all parts of our system start to function and communicate with higher degree of harmony and efficiency, an optimal environment is established in which our innate healing and regenerative processes become activated [link] and we naturally enter a state of enhanced health and well-being.
Disturbances in the coherence of energy patterns and in the transfer and flow of energy can interfere with neurological and immunological functions [link], the secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters, as well as many other regulatory processes; they can disrupt cell-to-cell communication and cause emotional, psychological and physical stress. All of these can lead to illness and disease (dis-ease) [link]. These disturbances can be anything that causes disharmony and incoherence in our system, such as negative beliefs, repetitive thoughts, anxiety, fears, any type of trauma (physical, mental or emotional), burdens from toxins and electromagnetic radiation and many others. Such disturbances are stored within the system as discordant energetic patterns (in the form of energy particles, waves and information). When these incoherent energy patterns are exposed to coherent energy patterns, such in Energy Healing, they are then able to return to their original, coherent, harmonic vibrational state [link]. In Energy Healing, a non-local resonance process is initiated, in which the transmitted coherent energy patterns can have direct, beneficial effect at a cellular level [link].
An excerpt from 'Quantum Functional Energy Medicine':
Every organ and every cell in the body has its own resonant frequency. Together, they make up a composite frequency like the instruments of an orchestra. When one organ in the body is out of tune, it will affect the whole body. By restoring vibrational frequency, it may be possible to bring a diseased organ into harmony with the rest of the body. The resonant frequency of cells and organs happens to be the natural frequency of health for that individual cell. Nature always seeks the most efficient state; it takes less energy to pulse in cooperation than in opposition. [link]
Energy Healing not only supports the body and mind in recovering from illness but it is an incredible tool in the maintenance of existing health and in preventing discordant energy patterns from developing into serious mental, emotional and physical symptoms.
A simplified analogy for our energy system is that of an electrical wiring in a house:
When a house is built, the electrical wiring is usually very efficient. However, if over the course of a few decades the electrical system has not been well maintained - much needed updating has never been done, additional wiring has been added without removing the old, accidents may have happened in which wiring has been cut and never fixed, too many electrical appliances are running at all times overburdening the system - the efficiency of the system would inevitably deteriorate. These unresolved issues could lead to a great decrease in function, large amounts of energy being used with very little output, permanent problems with lights not coming on, regularly blown fuses and appliances with a reduced life span. Because the root cause of all these problems is the impaired flow of electricity, getting new appliances, replacing fuses or getting used to perpetual darkness in some rooms will not be a permanent solution but only a quick fix. The actual solution would be addressing the root cause of these problems - repairing and updating the wiring to restore optimal flow of electricity.
A simplified analogy for our energy system is that of an electrical wiring in a house:
When a house is built, the electrical wiring is usually very efficient. However, if over the course of a few decades the electrical system has not been well maintained - much needed updating has never been done, additional wiring has been added without removing the old, accidents may have happened in which wiring has been cut and never fixed, too many electrical appliances are running at all times overburdening the system - the efficiency of the system would inevitably deteriorate. These unresolved issues could lead to a great decrease in function, large amounts of energy being used with very little output, permanent problems with lights not coming on, regularly blown fuses and appliances with a reduced life span. Because the root cause of all these problems is the impaired flow of electricity, getting new appliances, replacing fuses or getting used to perpetual darkness in some rooms will not be a permanent solution but only a quick fix. The actual solution would be addressing the root cause of these problems - repairing and updating the wiring to restore optimal flow of electricity.
To cure is to focus on diagnosis and eradication of symptoms. To heal is to support a person and their system in naturally restoring harmony and flow in all aspects - physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual - of their being. In other words, healing is a restoration of wholeness.
Energy healing has been shown to have positive (often significantly positive) effects on:
Pain [link][link][link][link]
Arthritis [link]
Immune function [link]
Inflammation [link]
Various chronic health conditions [link]
Wound healing [link]
Fatigue [link]
Energy level [link]
Diabetes [link]
Back pain [link]
Restricted neck movement [link]
Prematurely born infants [link]
Oxidative stress [link]
Anxiety [link][link][link]
Depression [link][link][link]
Burnout syndrome [link][link]
Stress [link][link]
Addictions [link][link]
Alcohol addiction [link]
Alzheimer's disease [link]
Emotional strain [link]
Mood disturbances [link][link]
Sleep quality [link][link]
Quality of life [link][link]
Aids [link][link]
Cancer cells [link][link]
Tumour growth [link]
Chemotherapy side effects [link]
Cancer related symptoms [link]
Hepatitis [link]
"Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only in contradiction to what we think we know about nature." St Augustine
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Reiki Is Better Than Placebo and Has Broad Potential as a Complementary Health Therapy
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The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine
Modulation of neurotransmitter function by quantum fields
Therapeutic Intention: Into the Next Generation
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Evidence about the power of intention
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Toward an understanding of energetic healing, Part 1: Energetic structures
Toward an understanding of energetic healing, Part 2: Energetic processes
Distant mental influence on living organisms
"Spooky actions at a distance": physics, psi, and distant healing
Two case reports of distant healing: new paradigms at work?
World hypotheses and the evolution of integrative medicine: combining categorical diagnoses and cause-effect interventions with whole systems research and nonvisualizable (seemingly "impossible") healing
Mind-body connection, parapsychological phenomena and spiritual healing. A review
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A Review and Integrative Analysis of Ancient Holistic Character Medicine Systems
The scientific hypothesis of an “energy system” in the human body
A Closer Connection Between Entanglement and Nonlocality
Probability, proof, and clinical significance
What is entrainment. Definition and applications in musical research?
The Effect of Therapeutic Touch on Back Pain in Adults on a Neurological Unit: En Experimental Pilot Study
A randomized controlled trial of spiritual healing in restricted neck movement
A randomized double-blind study of the effect of distant healing in a population with advanced AIDS
Distant healing and diabetes mellitus. A pilot study
Therapeutic touch with preterm infants: composing a treatment
The effects of Reiki therapy on pain and anxiety in patients attending a day oncology and infusion services unit
Symptomatic improvement reported after receiving Reiki at a cancer infusion center
An exploratory study of reiki experiences in women who have cancer
Pilot crossover trial of Reiki versus rest for treating cancer-related fatigue
The application of Reiki in nurses diagnosed with Burnout Syndrome has beneficial effects on concentration of salivary IgA and blood pressure
Randomized Expectancy-Enhanced Placebo-Controlled Trial of the Impact of Quantum BioEnergetic Distant Healing and Paranormal Belief on Mood Disturbance: A Pilot Study
Effects of Reiki on Post-cesarean Delivery Pain, Anxiety, and Hemodynamic Parameters: A Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial
Effect of a Japanese Energy Healing Method Known as Johrei on Viability and Proliferation of Cultured Cancer Cells In Vitro
Experiences of reiki for people undergoing alcohol withdrawal
Using Reiki to Decrease Memory and Behavior Problems in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Alzheimer's Disease
Qualitative Assessment of the Impact of Implementing Reiki Training in a Supported Residence for People Older Than 50 Years with HIV/AIDS
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The effect of therapeutic touch on pain and anxiety in burn patients
The clinical effectiveness of healing touch
Research of HearMath Institue on Coherence:
Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness
Quantum Functional Energy Medicine: The Next Frontier of Restorative Medicine
Quantum Resonance & Consciousness
Modulation of neurotransmitter function by quantum fields
Juniper Subtle Energy Healing: An Exploratory Study
Effect of Reiki Therapy on Pain and Anxiety in Adults: An In-Depth Literature Review of Randomized Trials with Effect Size Calculations
Evaluation of healing by gentle touch in 35 clients with cancer
An HMO-Based Prospective Pilot Study of Energy Medicine for Chronic Headaches: Whole-Person Outcomes Point to the Need for New Instrumentation
Biofield Science: Current Physics Perspectives
Biofield Science and Healing: History, Terminology, and Concepts
Effect of Biofield Therapy in the Human Brain
Other Sources and References:
The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine, second edition
Biomagnetism: Magnetic Fields Produced by the Human Body
Humans Glow in Visible Light
How the human body uses electricity
Quantum physics: Our best basic picture of how particles interact to make the world
If atoms are mostly empty space, why do objects look and feel solid?
How to Heal Your Body With Your Mind
Nonlocality and Entanglement
Tuning Fork Resonance + Ping Pong Ball
If You Thought Quantum Mechanics Was Weird, You Need to Check Out Entangled Time
Masaru Emoto Research Institute