Energy Healing for Business Enhancement
Creating a Productive, Successful and Thriving Business These sessions are specifically targeted to clear and energise the space, harmonise the workforce and optimise the running and output of a client's business. Anything from geopathic stress, emotional disturbances, memories, experiences, metaphysical entities and energies and any other energy that might be causing a disturbance to the business premises will be cleared. Further attention is also given to studying the organogram of the business. Any possible problematic situations, attitudes and negative energies between work colleagues are looked into and cleared. The whole work force will also be aligned to the mission statement of the company. The whole business will then be charged and filled with positive, uplifting energies and vibrations that will create a more productive, harmonious, thriving and flowing business environment. For more information, please see Energy Healing for Business Enhancement. "The amazing work Claude does is astounding. Steadily things start falling into place, people change and become lighter, happier and more self-assured with themselves and their co-workers, thus becoming an even bigger asset to the Company. The all-round energetic shift within the whole organisation becomes so tangible that everything just seems to flow and success becomes inevitable." - EFS Limited Please contact us for further information and to discuss your requirements. |